Today I am feeling like writing about what happened to Maya Khan - a child star of the past. I have a hazy recollection of how she used to be a presenter for a children's program with a co-presenter who was a boy. But I do not remember who it was. I had forgotton even Maya until around three years ago when I saw her in a program. Seeing her rang a bell but I did not remember. I just asked myself why it seemed that I had seen her somewhere. But since she was on TV I did not give it much thought.After all we see many people on TV. Then one day I did remember. How? That is unimportant - for you all. After that I have been keen to watch her programs.
And then one day this bombshell came. It baffled me what everybody was saying. Yes, everybody. We Pakistanis showed shockingly openly to what depths we could fall. Everybody plunged in this filthy campaign to malign her, defame her, curse her and I would call to 'oppress' her.
I am perfectly aware of what she did. To tell the truth, one part of me says whatever she did was perfectly right - as right as it can be. But when I see that the privacy of the people was breached I start feeling like it should never have happened. After all we are out in 21st century. It is our right that we, behind the back of our mothers, fathers and especially sisters (the boys should feel the force of this last noun if they have an iota of shame) take someone else' sister and go dating and whatnot and whatnot. It is our right that we play truant to feel manly. Shame, utter shame!
We do not think for a moment what we do. How could we when we want to make a Paris out of Karachi? We did not think that we were debasing the very person that we claim to 'Love'. Until now I have been under the impression that love is a pious feeling. I thought it was the same love that takes us from 'Majazi' to 'Haqeeqi' love, the one that makes the Lover be in the presence of Allah in a second. This is the love that helps us earn 'sawab'; when we indulge in it we get near Allah and earn the shafa'at of the Holy Prophet.
I never for once thought that this love is so COWARDLY, TIMID, SELFISH and SATANIC that it will make those who claim it hide behind the bushes or go in parks where there is no one else.
Then followed the depraved violation of moral values that is unprecidented in Pakistan's history. We wanted to show that we were free, liberated and emancipated in inverted commas. Free we are - free from any morals, free from any shame, free from any values, free from even our parents (after all they gave us birth; that's enough; let's do the rest ourselves). We are free to utter any sort of four letter devilish monstrosity and filth on social forums that comes to our mind so easily and efficiently as if we have done nothing else all our lives except mastering this reviling art of Satanism. How happy our master would be today! Well done O slaves!
What it all boils down to is we are corrupt - of the first water. We as a 'nation' (Oh we are a nation as well! Are we? 'Nation of the Quaid') are corrupt - corrupt of morals, values, hardwork and so on.
I will not comment much on what anchors and those who participated in their programs said because it is your own personality that comes out in the open. So they can be seen in the light of their discussions.
The problem is we do not know that we are as corrupt as our leaders. Only that our corruption is different. We all seem to be following our filth-drinking leaders. Most of the people say why she did not go into high-class clubs to see what was happening there. So we do agree that we are following our filthy 'high-class' leaders.
I will request parents especially mothers to please teach your children. Whatever they do is the true reflection of how you brought them up, what sort of food you put in front of them and what are your own concepts. I know that the parents of most of those involved are innocent. It only happened that they closed their eyes from what their children were up to.
Do check out this link: The Fickle Minded Kamran Shahid
Do check out this link: The Fickle Minded Kamran Shahid
very well writtern